What are the ongoing benefits of a flexible workspace? It’s no secret we’ve discovered various benefits due to the changing dynamics of when and how we work.
We continue to appreciate the expanding sense of freedom that came with the Pandemic, including a newfound sense of flexibility in our workplace.
The perks of flexible schedules and freedom of choice have never been more apparent. Returning to the office is back on the table as adhering to distancing parameters and managing parenting home-schooled children are falling by the wayside.
These changes had so infiltrated not only when we worked but HOW we worked.

The essence of what was once our ADL (activities of daily living) was so convoluted, and boundaries between work and home blurred.
We have exchanged rigid structures around work and traded them for positivity and an improved sense of well-being due to amended schedules.
Add to that an increased sense of freedom in knowing ‘the boss’ gets that we were, can, and will continue to perform effectively, whether in the office or logged on from our home workstation, producing results anywhere at any time.
The days of over-the-shoulder micromanagement have moved on now.
Our employers value what these freedoms offer, an increased confidence level around staff retention, ease of attracting new talent inspired by schedule flexibility, and fewer headaches around health and safety issues.
Remote working opened a global doorway to hiring qualified staff from around the globe. What are the benefits of working where and how you want? Happy, loyal, productive employees!