Do HR, FM and IT need to work in tandem when it comes to flexible workspace? Whether dealing with CAD renderings and excel spreadsheets, in or out-of-office schedules with proper tech support and security, industry professionals are still working out the details around effectively managing flexible space in a hybrid work environment.
When the change happened, there needed to be a template for managing this dramatic shift in how we worked. No one team was tasked with figuring it out: instead, the HR, IT, and FM disciplines had to figure out ways to coordinate their niche responsibilities to effectively manage this new way of working.
Building trust in teams working away from management oversight required the coordination of each moving part, so those daily responsibilities were seamlessly assigned and completed from anywhere at any time.
Human resources are the lifeblood of a business, managing the highest revenue spent of a company next to real estate. From an initial interview to an exit interview, HR drives employee engagement, health and well-being, work-life balance, and enhanced productivity.
Loyalty to a position is now more diverse than vacation days and healthcare coverage. HR currently manages the diverse needs of an eclectic staff with a deeper understanding of accommodating flexibility. Technology is a constant.

Get Smart
Buildings get smarter, networks expand further, and connectivity gets faster. Facility Managers remain accountable for the daily functionality of the workplace, both inside and out. Their role is never seamless, facing various new challenges, like improving HVAC circulation and managing wellness stations.
Today’s current workplace will continue to evolve. HR, FM, and IT will find seamless ways of integrating wants and needs to accommodate everyone waiting for the future.