Category: Generations in the workplace

  • Our Generation does not Define us

    We are not forever defined by our birth generation, nor does our birth generation mandate the vaccine. A birth generation offers assumed personality traits that do not necessarily define us: the subset of a generation varies based on personal experience:  regardless of shared experiences, humans differ in attitude, sociopolitical views, personalities, and personal circumstances. We are…

  • Destination WORKSPACE: it’s more about the next generation of amenities

    The workplace is forever transformed: we are no longer pressured to sit at a desk every day. Rather, the office is becoming an exciting, action-packed facility to visit, demonstrating the seamless integration between work and home. As a destination of choice, the workspace is offering compelling reasons to feel a sense of excitement about going into work. Employees commuted to a good…

  • The Generational Response to COVID-19: Baby Boomers

    I am a Baby Boomer. I was raised by Silent Generation parents who were brought up by the Greatest Generation who fought World Wars and dealt with the Great Depression. Therefore, the Boomer in me is troubled. Multiple influences beyond my control are affecting my daily lifestyle and my outlook on the world. Whether cataclysmic…

  • The Generational Response to COVID-19: Gen X

    One of my main worries is that my generation has become the ‘worry’ generation. We’re all middle aged now so the lockdown has been the time we worried about. Our elderly relatives are not taking the Pandemic seriously enough and we worried about our grown-up kids taking to the streets and the beaches far too…

  • The Generational Response to COVID-19: Gen Y

    Throughout the Pandemic there have been two constant emotions that Gen Y have faced: fear and frustration. Fear not for themselves but rather for parents, in-laws, grandparents, older friends and relatives who were more at risk of contracting the virus and reacting badly to it. Then frustration, particularly at these same older generations who did…

  • The Generational Response to COVID-19: Gen Z

    Kasasa, an award-winning financial tech and marketing company, states that Generation Z is categorised as individuals born between 1995 and 2015. Through this time, Zoomers would have little to no memory of the horrific September 11 attacks which shook the world. However, we will have memories of the global Covid-19 pandemic. Although the Pandemic presents a…

  • The Workplace Generational Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic

    In late 2019, prior to the COVID-19 Pandemic, employees in the workplace spanned 4 or 5 generations: The Silent Generation; Baby Boomers; Gen X; Gen Y; and Gen Z. Only a few of the oldest generation remain in the workforce, being 75+ and past retirement age. Baby Boomers span from 55-75 years old, either looking…

  • Boiled Frogs and the Generation Gap

    Folklore has it that you can boil a live frog in a pan of water whose temperature increases so gradually that the poor creature does not notice the change. It’s something I have referenced when talking about the passage of time in talks about generations in the workspace, the main point here being that we…