Author: The CadM Team

  • Finding creativity in a pandemic from airlines to zoosIs It Possible to Future Proof the Office?

    From airlines to zoos, companies continue to search for creative ways against challenging times to stay afloat in the upside down. Restoring livelihood is a huge part of the philosophical reset we need to make it back. Small business struggles to keep doors open; restaurants use creativity to serve any meals they can; business offices…

  • Networking looks a bit different in 2021

    Networking has not gone away; rather we’ve reworked our network, moving primarily to virtual connectivity. If networking is a necessary evil, the Pandemic has highlighted some of the unsuccessful ways we have approached it all along while leading to positive change in how we incorporate virtual into live networking. Different types of conversations are taking…

  • Finding the constant in an ever-changing workplace

    Safety and Health Magazine published an article in June of 2011 about how businesses should recognize hidden dangers in the workspace, taking steps to make the office a safer place.  Administrative intervention was put in place to avoid slips and falls, walking into equipment, ergonomic challenges and training.  If only it were still that simple today.   OSHA…

  • I bet you wish it were Zombies

    Wishing it were zombies instead of Covid-19 as the safety bubble of trust gets smaller? YEP! We knew how to kill zombies! After years of watching The Walking Dead, we had an arsenal of information on how to make weapons of zombie destruction. We spent countless hours defeating zombies in Resident Evil, and streamed Netflix and Amazon Prime…

  • Getting Employee Buy In to Return to the Office

    Gaining employee buy-in to come back to the office requires assurance on the part of an employer to remain in strict compliance with current regulations. In addition, mental health support on site can reduce anxiety related to a return.  Business recovery is nothing new following economic downturn. Recovery now comes with added risks to personal health…

  • Are you still working from home? A lot of companies think it’s okay.

    In March of 2020, offices suddenly closed their doors, encouraging staff to work from home. At first, it seemed like a short-term fix to a large-scale problem.  Multiple offices remain closed, yet office workers are being encouraged, even urged to return to their desks. While employers offer choices between office and virtual, many have been scenario…

  • Wellbeing in the workplace as you return to the office

    Your mind is reeling with issues around health and safety, and reactions are running on overdrive. You should consider that a warning your emotional well-being is out of whack. Simply stated, well-being is an overall positive state to process emotions, life satisfaction, sense of meaning and purpose; the ability to pursue self-defined goals; a sense of balance…

  • The Generational Response to COVID-19: Baby Boomers

    I am a Baby Boomer. I was raised by Silent Generation parents who were brought up by the Greatest Generation who fought World Wars and dealt with the Great Depression. Therefore, the Boomer in me is troubled. Multiple influences beyond my control are affecting my daily lifestyle and my outlook on the world. Whether cataclysmic…

  • The Generational Response to COVID-19: Gen X

    One of my main worries is that my generation has become the ‘worry’ generation. We’re all middle aged now so the lockdown has been the time we worried about. Our elderly relatives are not taking the Pandemic seriously enough and we worried about our grown-up kids taking to the streets and the beaches far too…

  • The Generational Response to COVID-19: Gen Y

    Throughout the Pandemic there have been two constant emotions that Gen Y have faced: fear and frustration. Fear not for themselves but rather for parents, in-laws, grandparents, older friends and relatives who were more at risk of contracting the virus and reacting badly to it. Then frustration, particularly at these same older generations who did…