Category: Workplace Trends

  • Finding the constant in an ever-changing workplace

    Safety and Health Magazine published an article in June of 2011 about how businesses should recognize hidden dangers in the workspace, taking steps to make the office a safer place.  Administrative intervention was put in place to avoid slips and falls, walking into equipment, ergonomic challenges and training.  If only it were still that simple today.   OSHA…

  • How to Select a Space Management Software Provider

    A good Space Management software provider can have a significant positive impact on your company. The effective use of your workplaces is an important contributor to success. Reviewing software functionality ( ‘the demo’) is an important part of your selection process but there are a number of other considerations that will help you, not only get…

  • Desk vs House Costs

    When people ask me what our company does I usually say “we are saving the world… one desk at a time!” It often turns out that the costs companies incur maintaining a single workstation are comparable with the cost of living in an apartment in the same region. According to REIS, the average US office…

  • The Fourth Industrial Revolution

    What interests me is how the technological innovations likely to make their mark in the next few years may affect workspace management. Let’s just call it the “Bring your own Big Data Workspace of Things” to keep it simple… but first some background. The first three revolutions take us through the last 250 years or…

  • Keeping Up With Change

    Buildingi’s Amber Miller looks at the expectations of the multi-generational workforce and how to get them to play together nicely. How happy they will be if we start to attach sensors directly to them is another matter. It has already begun to occur with European companies trialling under-skin microchip implants and other less invasive systems. It’s…